Maïsadour gives farmers a voice through a social media campaign to highlight the reality of the business
Why have farmers mobilised so strongly and so quickly? What difficulties are they encountering on a daily basis? What are the national challenges facing agriculture today? Why is the profession so unattractive?
To shed factual light on all these issues, Maïsadour has rolled out the “#Fierdetrepaysan & #Fiersdenospaysans” campaign on social networks to create a collective, unifying movement around the reality of the farming profession.
The campaign highlights the challenges facing farmers: climatic, administrative and economic challenges, and the actions they are taking to adapt to them. The Cooperative wanted to give a voice to its members and encourage other farmers to take part in order to help people understand today’s agriculture.
"To be a farmer is above all to make your passion your profession. Being a farmer today means being constantly on the lookout for answers to consumers' social expectations, for new practices to minimise environmental impact, and for ways to create added value to produce quality.
French agriculture is one of the most virtuous in the world, and we need the resources to preserve it."
Daniel Peyraube, Chairman of Maïsadour
Limiting poultry imports to preserve France's food sovereignty

“We run quality farms, where animal welfare is a priority, and this is reflected in our free-range poultry, which frolic in tree-lined runs to provide shade and supplementary feed. Our poultry are fed on local cereals and local soya, which is GMO-free and non-deforesting. This method of production helps to reduce the carbon footprint of our farms. However, quality comes at a price, and we need to limit imports of foreign poultry to preserve our food sovereignty and ensure that our farmers are paid.“
Alain Gardeils, poultry farmer in Brocas for twenty years, Maïsadour member and member of France Agritwittos
(To follow Alain Gardeils on Twitter, click here)
Simplify the administrative procedures involved in transferring or taking over a farm, to meet the challenge of renewing the generations.

“Passing on a farm is a real obstacle course that can take several years. Yet we know that we are short of farmers. Generational renewal is therefore a major challenge if we are to ensure our food sovereignty.
To meet this challenge, we need to simplify the process for those who are selling and make it easier for new entrants. We also need to make the farming profession more attractive by giving it visibility and positive prospects. There are and there will be opportunities, but we need to make them accessible!”
Jean-Luc Blanc-Simon, farmer at Brocas-les-Forges for thirty-five years, Vice-Chairman of Maïsadour and his daughter Noémie.
Ensuring compliance with the EGALIM law and defending fair remuneration

“The EGALIM laws were designed to protect farmers’ incomes. Maïsadour’s Gastronomy Division (MVVH – Delpeyrat) scrupulously respects the agreements defined under these laws.
As an agricultural cooperative, it is essential that we set an example in this area. As proof of this, the cooperative looks at and respects the economic indicator for changes in costs published every quarter by the interprofession and recognised by all. The duck industry has been weakened in recent years, particularly by successive health crises. Maïsadour supports farmers and is working to make the sector more stable and efficient.”
Chantal Brèthes, farmer in Montaut since 2006, Vice-Chairman of Maïsadour
Facilitating the development of projects on farms to enable farmers to meet the challenges of climate change

“I’ve built a water retention structure that collects winter water to meet the irrigation needs of my crops. I’m in the process of setting up a second project, and the administrative procedures are very long and very complex. Without water, there is no agriculture, no harvest, and therefore no production. Water is an essential resource for us, and that’s why we’re taking a number of steps to optimise our needs and preserve its quality.“
Michaël Dolet-Fayet, farmer in Pouillon since 2013, Vice-Chairman of Maïsadour
#FierDetrePaysan #FiersDeNosPaysans
Cooperative members are available to answer your questions.
If you would like an interview or a report from the field, please contact us on 07 84 90 83 16.