Usine du Futur program: Delmas & Fermiers du Périgord improve the industrial performance of their sites

The Delmas factory in Castets (40) and the Fermiers du Périgord plant in Terrasson (24) have been selected to take part in the New Aquitaine Region's “Factory of the Future” program. This scheme, part of Maïsadour's “Ambition 2030” strategy, aims to modernize French industries to make them more efficient and sustainable.

An asset for Maïsadour's poultry and aquaculture sectors

As part of the “Usine du Futur ” program, Delmas (aquaculture) and Fermiers du Périgord (poultry farming) carried out 5 thematic audits:

  • Performance of industrial organization and optimization of production facilities,
  • Digital strategy,
  • Technological aspects of production,
  • Management and working conditions,
  • Energy and the environment.
Audit technologique chez Delmas dans le cadre du programme Usine du Futur
Technological audit of the Delmas factory

They have identified ways to reduce their environmental footprint and improve their competitiveness.

"The "Usine du Futur" program, which was launched in 2014 by the Region, has helped over 1,000 companies modernize their production facilities. It's a formidable lever for boosting their productivity (up to 50% in some companies), while improving employees' quality of life at work. Today, it is also an invaluable asset for supporting companies in their environmental, social and CSR policy transitions.

Alain Rousset, President of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region

Support for the digital and environmental transition of the Castets and Terrasson plants

The action plans will focus in particular on :

Transforming  digital tools

Improving the performance of technological tools plays a crucial role in the smooth running of industrial sites and their competitiveness: increasingefficiency and productivity, reducing production costs, improving employee safety. For example, Delmas will be focusing on its digital transformation by modernizing its ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system in collaboration with Maïsadour’s Information Services Department.

Environmental transformation 

The actions implemented by both sites are aligned with Maïsadour’s CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy. They are focused on quality of life at work, decarbonization and sustainable resource management , and will help to achieve positive, measured environmental and social impacts. To meet this challenge, Fermiers du Périgord will be prioritizing improvements in waste sorting and better monitoring of energy consumption.

The “Usine du Futur” program is a significant step forward for Delmas and Fermiers du Périgord. Thanks to their efforts and the actions they have implemented, they are positioning themselves as key players in the modernization of French industry, reconciling economic performance with environmental responsibility. The partnership with the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region will therefore continue over the coming months, with support for the implementation of the strategy adopted.


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