The Group returns to profitability and explains its plans to evolve in a "new world"

Press conference: more than 20 journalists from local to national
In the morning, a press conference brought together more than twenty local, regional and national journalists. On the agenda: assessment, prospects and projects. Michel Prugue and the four division directors (Pierre Flye Sainte Marie, Jean-Louis Zwick, Paul Le Bars and Éric Humblot) answered journalists’ questions and interview requests at the end of the session.
Post-Covid market instability, record inflation, the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the fourth avian crisis, etc.: the year’s heavy newsflow had major financial consequences for the Group, with the cost of inflation amounting to 106 million euros and the impact of the avian crisis estimated at 20 million euros.
Despite this unprecedented context, the Group ended the year with a profit and an increase in revenues compared to the previous year. These results are due to the fundamental transformation undertaken through ambitious projects deployed by the four divisions (seeds, agriculture, poultry and gastronomy). Thanks to the responsiveness and mobilization of all teams, and the success of the internal BOOST plan (which aimed to find 10 million euros by the end of June 2022), the Group has absorbed the rise in costs linked to inflation.
Maïsadour at the heart of a new world

Following the statutory general meeting, the public general meeting was held around a strong theme: “Maïsadour, at the heart of a new world”.
After a review of the Group’s highlights and its annual report, the speaker Navi Radjou spoke on the theme of frugal innovation. In a world that is rethinking its lifestyles and production methods, his speech provided food for thought on how to do better with less, and enable the agricultural and agri-food world to be both sustainable and profitable.
water, carbon and livestock
Afterwards, three round tables were held on the themes of water, carbon and livestock. How can we preserve a resource that is essential to the economy and to our territories? How to reduce our emissions and preserve the environment? How can we have ever more exemplary livestock farms? To address these questions, introductory videos recalled the projects already carried out, and the speakers mentioned the current and future projects in these subjects with important stakes.
The assembly ended with a final highlight: the announcement of Michel Prugue’s departure after twenty-one years as president. Tribute was paid to him for his commitment to the Group and the agricultural world. “You have been able to carry this model of Landes agriculture high,” praised Françoise Tahéri, Prefect of the Landes region, who had honored us with her presence.
the president's conclusion
“Together: this word alone expresses what our action should be,” emphasized Michel Prugue, optimistic about the Cooperative’s future. This fitting conclusion reaffirms that today, even more than in the past, the cooperative model makes sense to meet future challenges.