Maïsadour commits to Digital Accessibility and Inclusion

A significant proportion of the French population is disabled. This concerns not only our members and employees, but also our customers and all our stakeholders. Digital accessibility means making digital content and services understandable and usable for people with disabilities.

Maïsadour is committed to a more inclusive and equitable society. This commitment is reflected in two of the pillars of our AMBiTiON 2030 strategy:

  • An attractive company with high-performance teams ”: The use of a graphic charter that takes into account dyschromatopsia, or text characters that make it easier for people with dyslexia to read a web page, helps to boost employee performance and build a more inclusive and fulfilling workspace.
  • A cooperative committed to its territories and a player in social change ”: Talking about these subjects and giving them a prominent place in our discussion forums and workgroups underlines the fact that disabling work situations are numerous and close to us, and that everyone can play a part in improving work situations.

What is digital accessibility?

Since 2019, in accordance with the RGAA (Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité), digital accessibility has become a real legal obligation for companies with annual sales in excess of 250 million euros.

It concerns various digital tools such as e-commerce, extranet, internet and intranet. Each site must include an accessibility declaration indicating its accessibility status. In the event of non-compliance, a financial penalty of 20,000 euros per online service may be applied.

© Pixabay
Accessibility pictograms: Motor, Hearing, Mental and Visual ©Pixabay

Digital accessibility at Maïsadour

To integrate and monitor this approach, a multi-skilled project team was set up. This has led to the drafting of the Multi-Year Plan, which details the strategy for the next three years, as well as the action plan for the coming year. To consult these documents, click here.

A compliance audit of the website was also carried out in order to understand these issues. The following projects have been identified and will begin in September:

  1. Setting up operational governance to steer the approach
  2. Integrating digital accessibility into digital processes and projects
  3. Implementing a testing and auditing policy
  4. Taking user feedback into account
  5. Building a project repository
  6. Raising awareness of and acculturation to digital accessibility
  7. Implementation of a targeted training plan for contributors and IT project teams
  8. Ensuring that external service providers take these requirements into account when subcontracting.

In addition to the digital accessibility project, Maïsadour is also committed to other projects in favor of the disabled, breaking down preconceived ideas and providing the best possible support for disabled employees in the workplace. A Handicap Working Group was set up last year to work on health, safety and security issues. See you in November to find out more about the actions implemented as part of Disability Week.


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