Inclusion and disability: a major challenge for the Group


Maïsadour wishes to affirm its convictions as a cooperative employer by promoting a positive working environment. Aware of the major challenges linked to inclusion and disability, the Group has been developing concrete actions to meet them for several years.

A commitment at the heart of our strategy

As part of our AMBiTiON 2030 strategy, inclusion is a priority. Diversity and equal opportunity are pillars of our corporate vision.

Today, within the Group, 1 person in 14 has declared a disability at work. This figure is probably underestimated, as some people do not dare, or do not know that they can apply for Recognition as a Disabled Worker. It is therefore important to raise awareness and inform these people through concrete actions. A Disability Working Group was set up last year to provide support to employees and their managers.

Actions to demystify disability in the workplace

Throughout the year, Maïsadour offers initiatives such as “1 day, 1 job”, “Duo Day”, workshops to raise awareness of disability, and actions with key players such as AGEFIPH and MSA.

The Group recently took part in the European Week for the Employment of People with Disabilities. Organized by the Handicap Working Group, this was an opportunity to offer a variety of activities on our internal digital platform and at our various sites, in order to raise awareness among all Group employees. Challenges, fun activities, testimonials, interviews with people who specialize in disability-related issues… all punctuated the event.

We were also pleased to welcome Cyril Gayssot, co-founder of the FMS adapted company, accompanied by 3 employees. Their contributions provided us with powerful and enriching testimonials on the inclusion of people with disabilities.

This year, we invited employees with RQTH status to share their experiences. These testimonies elicited numerous reactions throughout the week. A moment of sharing that underlines the trust they have placed in us, and demonstrates the collective responsibility we have as a working community. It’s a powerful act of “daring to say”.

Inclusion is a lasting commitment and requires concrete action. It is therefore imperative that, as a committed company, we create a more inclusive and open environment that will enable each and every one of our employees to express themselves and develop fully in their work.

“Together, let’s reveal everyone’s potential!”


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