Maïsadour Group

Immun ‘is a set of alternative solutions and techniques that can be used in breeding that can boost the immune status of animals. After a thorough and individual study of the farm, a balance sheet of the breeding is drawn up, in order to see how to optimize prevention and avoid allopathic treatments. Potential deficiencies are thus detected and a tailor-made solution is proposed, depending on the breeding practices. Breeders are trained to better understand health risks, then are audited. Tested on ruminants, this innovation could open the way and be used for poultry and even the plant.

We met Gilles Grosmond, a veterinary doctor since 1973 and has been interested in alternative care by forming homeopathy, herbalness-aromatherapy and chromotherapy. Rewarded three times in the Golden Summits Innovation Contest, Gilles Grosmond has made the global approach to its vocation, studying each case in its entirety to propose the most suitable solution. The author of “Animal Health and Alternative Solutions” has agreed to answer our questions about immune.


In what framework does the Immun ‘approach bring a plus to animal welfare?
G.G: The immune approach is not based primarily on animal welfare. This is an elementary approach that is based on what the animals are. Take the example of cattle, which have existed for 100 million years. It is necessary to analyze their very essence, and respect what they are intrinsically in order to bring them a stable state and a good health. They need quality water, adapted brightness and respect for their biological rhythm and physiology.

Once this logic is acquired, well-being comes as an added bonus. Another example is that of laying hens, which should not be caged because it brings about a state of stress which will lead to a depression of the immune system. The very essence of immun’ is to understand that it is not up to humans to decide what animals should be. By adapting to the primary needs of animals, the Immun’ method brings them a better immune status naturally.

What is your perspective on all these new methods?
G.G: Very often today, two methods are used. The first is to replace chemical molecules with natural molecules. It is then a question of asking what can be done to be in support of animal functions, without causing side effects to appear. In animals, just as in plants, moreover, it is often the cocktails that are dangerous, not the molecule itself.

Secondly, alternative methods are regularly used, such as homeopathy, herbal medicine or even oligotherapy. This does not provide a global answer. The strength of immun’ is to adapt to each situation in order to offer the best solution, whether it is composed of algae, plants, trace elements or even all three combined. In this case, we have a global approach.

Why work with Maïsadour?
G.G: I found in Florent Duclos, market manager at Sud-Ouest Aliment (SOAL), an attentive ear and passionate about the subject, with a desire to understand the logic and pass it on through training. I find the way in which Maïsadour took on the problem exceptional, and I am convinced that the Cooperative is getting a head start on the subject thanks to Immun’.

Maïsadour Group

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